Tuesday, March 30, 2010

this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

hello to everyone in the blogging world!

so, we are basically starting this blog because we were randomly sitting around one night stuffing plastic easter eggs for an easter egg hunt when we had the genius idea to start a blog together.

now when we say we...who exactly is we?
well glad you asked!

this tale begins with five girls; two are sisters from one family (ruder) and three from another (hoisington) and together we make up a lovely group of wacky girls. we are quite crazy, its true, but we like to think of it as being unique and being unafraid of who we are.

so now that we have explained a little bit, i (anne) forcast this blog to be:

1. first and foremost random and completely bonkers at times
2. interesting because five people are blogging about random things
3. entertaining (as i mentioned, we are slightly crazy sometimes)
4. many other things, so get ready to be surprised.

life is unexpected and it makes it all the more better when you can share the crazy times with friends.

wishing you the best,
five in a frenzy

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